Frequently Asked Questions

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What is Mini Realms?

Mini Realms is an online game where you take control of a 21 x 21 area called a realm. Within the realm, you can expand and defend your land while simultaneously attacking realms from other players. Realms are grouped into different regions and regions compete with each other to see which region has the best realms.

Do I need to create an account to play?

Yes, an account is required to play this game however we ask for the least amount of personal details nessesary... really just an e-mail. By creating an account, we can save your progress in the game so that you can contine where you left off every single time.

Can I move my realm to a different region?

To keep things balanced and prevent everyone from starting at the best region, region assignments are random when you register and there is currently no method to move regions. The only exception to this is if you use a referral code, in which case you will be placed in the same region as the referrer. Through special events, it may be possible switch regions in the future.

Are in-game purchases necessary to 'win'?

We're not going to sugercoat it by telling you if you try hard enough, and with the right amount of luck, you can be the top realm in the region. It's just not going to happen. On the bright side, nothing is locked behind a paywall and you can still do everything that a paying player can do.

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